The Green Recovery
I have been reflecting on some innovative work I did with schools in a particular borough around 15 years ago, in relation to climate change and sustainable development.
From a project perspective, I developed a programme called SAVE, (Schools Acting to Value Energy), which gave consideration as to how the future generation could think through and change their families and school’s impact on the environment.
I achieved a 100% signup of all schools and we worked together to make a real difference in reducing carbon emissions and water usage, as well as increasing recycling and reducing waste. The achievement was reflected in a points scheme leading to the issue of gold, silver and bronze certificates to evidence success.
One of my most memorable memories from SAVE, was a production by a secondary school drama group. They enacted a powerful performance highlighting the importance of reversing climate change to Michael Jackson’s ‘Earth Song’, which was reported in the press and recorded and distributed to other schools.
Schools in the US heard about the scheme and it was shared with them, so it is hoped that its impact reached far and wide.
The pupils who took part in SAVE will now be adults, perhaps with their own families, jobs, businesses, and potential key influencers in relation to such a high priority worldwide agenda.
This is also reflected in the opportunity presented by the UK’s G7 Presidency this year, with the Prime Minister seeking ‘to unite leading democracies to help the world build back better from coronavirus and create a greener, more prosperous future.’ UK to host G7 Summit in Cornwall – GOV.UK (
My experience with SAVE was an integral part of me gaining a Masters Degree in Climate Change and Sustainable Development, through De Montfort University, with my thesis focussing on understanding factors influencing behaviours towards this subject area.
This specialist knowledge and qualification, coupled with many years of experience of delivering high priority and high-risk projects, enables me to now work with EELGA to develop a ‘green’ offer to local authorities in the region, as challenging targets have been set that we must find a way of meeting to secure long term sustainability.
Whatever stage you are at in your journey to a greener future, we will be able to provide valuable resources and support to help you.
EELGA will soon be sharing the initial details of this new offer. To enable us to understand your priorities better, we welcome your input to help create the offer.
For further information and to access support from Angela please contact