Harmful Practices
Why attend:
If you are going through or plan to go through DAHA accreditation this session will support you What is DAHA Accreditation – daha – Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (dahalliance.org.uk)
For professionals to understand the signs and indicators to proactively safeguard against harmful practices. This training will transform knowledge and empower both participants and the communities they are supporting.
- What is the average cost of repairs versus the average cost of repairs if there is domestic abuse? £860 vs £1200 40% higher
- Tenants who are experiencing domestic abuse are 4 times more likely than other tenants to have anti social behaviour complaints made against them
Outcomes of training: This training will provide organisations with the necessary awareness, knowledge, skills and correct working practices to enable effective interventions for victims of abuse.
Speaker Details: The training will be delivered by Bal Howard. Bal has been advocating on the issues of BME women and men on domestic violence, honour based crimes (Forced Marriage & Female Genital Mutilation) and Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) since 2008. She has developed and delivers training for front-line practitioners in Health, Social Care, Police, Education and the voluntary sector throughout England and Wales in the subjects of Domestic Abuse, Risk Assessment, Honour Based Abuse, Forced Marriage, Female Genital Mutilation, Radicalisation / Extremism, Modern Day Slavery and Addiction.
How the training will be delivered: The training will be delivered through MS teams and will not be recorded. It will be delivered through a power point presentation, visual materials and facilitate case studies discussions. Each trainee will receive a copy of the training presentation and relevant hand-outs for future reference.
Audience: This training is aimed at Housing Associations.
Cost: The cost to attend this training is £85 plus VAT. We can only accept card payment for this event and you will be required to make payment when booking your place. If you experience any technical difficulties when trying to book a place, this could be because our online payment system is not supported by Internet Explorer. Please check the web browser you are using.
Please contact us if you would like to make a block booking – discounted rates are available.
If you have any queries please contact Rachel Heathcock, Equity and Equality Manager, East of England LGA, email; rachel.heathcock@eelga.gov.uk