Delivering Sustainability Through Responsible Procurement Webinar

30th November 2022
10:00 - 11:00
Virtual Event – Microsoft Teams
Entry Fees
Free – £99.00

All EELGA members are involved and actively engaged in sustainability, whether through reducing CO2 emissions, upcycling / recycling waste, seeking social value in contracts or promoting the use of local businesses.

Over the last year, EELGA Talent Bank specialists, Ken Cole and Rowena Ward have been analysing the whole sustainability agenda and its relationship with responsible procurement. This has led to the publication of their Delivering Sustainability Through Responsible Procurement white paper and the launch of an exciting diagnostic which allows councils to self-assess how well prepared they are to make significant strides with the critical success factors that underpin responsible procurement.

Sustainability has many different and interrelated aspects, most of which stem from the seventeen UN sustainability goals agreed in 1987. Many councils rightly see contract management, commissioning and procurement as being the best way to engage with sustainability. With English local government buying in around £55 BILLION of third-party goods and services each year, it is the right place to influence markets and help shape sustainable behaviours. This is widely known as “responsible procurement”.

Yet pursuing responsible procurement is not easy. Turbulent global economic conditions and resource limitations have stifled progress, with gaps emerging between stated intent and actual delivery.

This one-hour webinar will teach you what needs to happen for stated intent to translate into measurable outcomes. The webinar will include:

  • Understanding the what, why and how of sustainability
  • Top-down versus bottom-up reporting and action planning
  • What responsible procurement really means
  • The role of collaboration and contract management in achieving success
  • Why organisational self-assessment matters

Download a copy of the agenda

This event is aimed at:

  • Elected Members
  • Chief Executives
  • Heads of Service
  • Directors of Resources
  • Budget holders
  • Commissioners

This masterclass is free to attend for our member authorities. If you are a non-member organisation, you are welcome to attend for a fee of £99 plus VAT per delegate.

Sign up today and join the debate. All those attending will receive a copy of Ken’s white paper, ‘Delivering Sustainability Through Responsible Procurement’. 

If you have any queries please email Julie Taylor-Poole, East of England LGA, email:  

Ken Cole and Rowena Ward Presentation 30.11.12


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