A free taster session hosted by the East of England Local Government Association (EELGA) and led by Andrew Pain, Talent Bank Associate.
75% of people who die by suicide are men
85% of rough sleepers in the UK are men
95% of people in prison in the UK are men
The list of stats around male wellbeing continues and they make for grim reading, but why are men and boys struggling, when 19 of the world’s richest people are in fact … men?
The purpose of this session is to explore 3 key questions: 1) Why are men and boys struggling? 2) How do we help them to be the best version of themselves? 3) How do we engage men more effectively in the wellbeing and DEI spaces?
We will explore topics such as; the testosterone crisis, the rise of men’s communities and what we can learn from them, the role of psychological safety and allyship in creating more cohesive working communities, and the language around gender issues in the media.
Audience: Members of the East of England Local Government Association, and partner organisations.
If you have any queries please contact Grace Shaughnessy, Commercial Manger, EELGA, email; grace.shaughnessy@eelga.gov.uk