Achieving Sustainable and Inclusive Growth: The East of England Offer

Launching our joint report with the East of England All Party Parliamentary Group


Yesterday (19 October 2021) the East of England All Party Parliamentary Group and East of England Local Government Association Parliamentary Reception took place with almost 100 people in attendance.

The event launched our joint report with the East of England All Party Parliamentary Group – Achieving Sustainable and Inclusive Growth: The East of England Offer. Click the image below to read the report:

Sustainable Brochure 2 - 1


Thank you to our fantastic speakers at the event:

Peter Aldous MP, EE APPG Co-Chair

Daniel Zeichner MP, EE APPG Co-Chair

George Freeman MP, Minister for Science, Research and Innovation

Cllr Linda Haysey, Chair, East of England Local Government Association

Tom Keith-Roach, UK Country President, AstraZeneca

Paul Kenward, Managing Director, British Sugar

Tim Hawkins, Chief of Staff, London Stansted Airport.


This offer leads on from the East of England Economic Prospectus that was launched in July 2021. The prospectus highlights the enormous opportunities for investors, both public and private, in the East of England and sets out our region’s ambitions in continuing to drive the nation’s green recovery.